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Online animations make complex concepts and processes easier to understand. An online learning style assessment helps students identify their personal learning style so that they can maximize their use of the wide range of online learning activities on thePoint. Eleven different types of learning activities including multiple-choice true/false key terms fill-in-the-blank look and label audio flash cards word anatomy piece it together zooming in listen and label and body building help students study and review. An audio glossary pronounces and defines key medical terms. Supplemental images and tables enhance student understanding Study and test-taking tips help students master chapter content and prepare for exams. Career Information boxes showcase a variety of health careers. Answers to the text's Questions for Study and Review help students master key concepts. Maximize your study time improve your performance on exams and succeed in this course with the for-sale Study Guide. Instructor Resources: Personalized chapter quizzes powered by PrepU help each student learn more and give you a window into your students' progress by highlighting misconceptions strengths and weaknesses.

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March 7, 2021, 5:33 am