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WaterNest includes in its interior a living room, dining area, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. The selected furnishings in the EcoFloLife catalogue allow to embellish the space with a touch of colour and joy. OFFICE / LAB | This version of WaterNest is more suited for a young and dynamic work team wishing to communicate and work in a single, one-of-a-kind space, in close contact with nature. WaterNest can fit separate or adjoining workstations, a bathroom, storage and archive. The EcoFloLife catalogue has refined furnishings such as desks, chairs and floor lamps, which are made entirely of recycled flame-retardant cardboard in different colours. SHOP / EXHIBITION | This version of WaterNest is best suited for those wishing to open an innovative floating business or exhibition gallery. A large open-space that can be modelled according to the various business needs with storage, dressing room and toilet. The EcoFloLife catalogue has refined furnishings such as reception, armchairs and floor lamps, made entirely of recycled flame-retardant cardboard.

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Sus dos protagonistas, a medida que ven deshacerse sus afectos, entran en contacto con una realidad distante a aquella que, años atrás, abandonaron. Y así Pron reflexiona sobre cómo nuestras maneras de entablar relaciones se hallan en permanente transformación. ————————————— Autor: Patricio Pron. T ítulo: Mañana tendremos otros nombres. Editorial: Alfaguara. Venta: Amazon, Fnac y Casa del Libro. 3. 7/5 (3 Puntuaciones. Valora este artículo, por favor)

English | November 8, 2015 | ISBN: 0692563490, ASIN: B017ROWVU8 | AZW3 | 274 Pages | 0. 7 MB Miyamoto Musashi (1584 - 1645) was arguably the greatest swordsman who ever lived, a legendary figure whose methods of thought and strategy have been studied and adopted across a wide spectrum of society, from martial artists to military leaders to captains of industry. The iconic sword saint of Japan was clearly a genius, yet he was also a functional psychopath�Cruthless, fearless, hyper-focused, and utterly without conscience. Shortly before he died, Musashi wrote down his final thoughts about life for his favorite student Terao Magonojo to whom Go Rin No Sho, his famous Book of Five Rings, had also been dedicated. He called this treatise Dokkodo, which translates as "The Way of Walking Alone. " The book you hold in your hands is the definitive interpretation of Musashi's final work. Readers are oftentimes subject to a single perspective about what some famous author from the past had to say, yet we are more holistic here.

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De que trata. Adulterio es una novela escrita por el autor brasileño Paulo Coelho. Ambientada en ginebra, Suiza, fue escrita en la lengua materna del escritor, portugués. La versión portuguesa de la novela se publicó en abril de 2014, y el lanzamiento internacional tuvo lugar en agosto de 2014. Para escribir esta novela, el autor preguntó a sus millones de seguidores en las comunidades sociales, tal y como explica en un vídeo que él mismo colgó en Youtube. Según el mismo autor, los lectores le pidieron que hablase "de amor y traición". Pensando en ello, el autor llegó a la conclusión de que el relato debía versar sobre el adulterio, pero de una forma rompedora. Así nació la novela que se publicó en 2014 y que llegó a los primeros puestos de ventas la primera semana de su publicación. En dos semanas, Penguin Random House anunció que se procedía a una reimpresión del libro en Estados Unidos, México e Argentina, debida la fuerte demanda.

March 11, 2021, 7:42 pm