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De hecho, en agosto, el FBI recogió información para la Comisión de Valores de Estados Unidos, debido a que Cemex cotiza en la bolsa de ese país. "Además de vicepresidente de Planeación, Ramírez tenía información sobre negocios en América Latina", le dijo hace siete días a este diario uno de sus allegados. Y, un día después, la W Radio reveló que los datos en su poder desencadenarían un caso de corrupción similar al de Odebrecht, ya que implican pagos a políticos con el fin de ganar millonarios contratos. Al respecto, voceros de la cementera le aseguran a EL TIEMPO que esas investigaciones no son nuevas. De hecho, dicen que, por el caso de la mina, desde diciembre de 2016 revelaron el requerimiento de la Comisión de Valores para determinar si habían incumplido la Ley de Prácticas Corruptas en el extranjero. Y el 30 de abril pasado informaron que son investigados por supuestas prácticas anticompetitivas en Estados Unidos. Pero admitieron desconocer la colaboración de Ramírez a quien se le imputó en Colombia falsedad, administración desleal y enriquecimiento ilícito.

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The relationship between Vasya and Morozko deepens and we find that Death is surprisingly kind. Vasya must deal with further strife in terms of how everyone, at times even Morozko want her to be. But the two most important male figures in her life- Morozko and her brother Sasha, seem to find some way, some space, to allow Vasya to always be herself, even as they fear for her safety. Their fears are well justified. Torn between fates that would be anathema to her- two different towers with both implying differing horrors if you are Vasya, she is also caught between Death and Deathless, for a time. There was a passage in the first book in which Solovey rebuts Vasya's saying he is not a bird with the comment "You do not know what you are; can you know what I am? " Although, yes, we can call Vasya a witch, I'm not sure, still, even at the end of this book, that we know exactly what Vasya is or what has been passed down to her from Tamara's mother to Tamara, then to Marina to Vasya and even Masha.

/pg_restore -h localhost -U postgres -d alfresco <> Filesystem restore Once the database is restored you have to restore the documents on the file system from the backup. cd /alf_data rm -rf contentstore rm -rf leted Now it's time to copy the 'contentstore' and 'leted' folders form the backup, directly in the 'alf_data'. Can't you see the indexes are not restored? If possible it's always preferrable to rebuild the indexes from scratch. In the other cases we suggest to restore them from the backup, hoping nothing changed in the structure. 🙂 Alfresco bootstrap Now everything is ready to start alfresco again. cd . / start tailf tomcat/logs/ You will see that the starting process is updating the database and everything is necessary to upgrade the system. Errors or problems will be listed here. Indexes rebuild As you read before, the Alfresco update has been without the indexes. Now it's time to rebuild them following what you read here.. / stop nano /tomcat/shared/classes/operties...... cd /alf_data/solr rm -rf workspace/SpacesStore/* rm -rf archive/SpacesStore/* rm -rf workspace-SpacesStore/alfrescoModels/* rm -rf archive-SpacesStore/alfrescoModels/* cd .

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¿Cómo se desarrolla la investigación en el programa? Se tienen tres cursos de investigación en el plan de estudios, los cuales fortalecen las capacidades investigativas de los estudiantes. Se desarrolla esta capacidad en dos momentos, así: La formación Investigativa, busca el desarrollo de competencias en y para la investigación, de acuerdo con los propósitos y alcances de la Especialización. El Ejercicio Investigativo, busca desarrollar la cultura investigativa y el pensamiento crítico y autónomo de los estudiantes. De la misma manera, los estudiantes pueden desarrollar actividades complementarias de carácter grupal y voluntario en los grupos investigativos de la Escuela. ¿Cuáles son las estrategias de enseñanza? A través de la consulta externa, rondas hospitalarias, realización de procedimientos, discusión de casos clínicos, reuniones de morbimortalidad y de patología, seminarios, staff quirúrgico y club de revistas. ¿Qué oportunidades se tienen para prácticas en el exterior? La Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana tiene más de 30 convenios internacionales relacionados con el área de la salud que permiten la movilidad de docentes y estudiantes.

WordReference English- Spanish Dictionary © 2020: Principal Translations Spanish English tesina nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. España (trabajo de postgrado) thesis n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Está trabajando en su tesina. He is working on his thesis. tesina nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. México (trabajo de licenciatura) dissertation n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. En México, la diferencia entre una tesis y una tesina es la extensión del contenido. In Mexico, the difference between a thesis and a dissertation is the length of the content. ' tesina ' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: English:

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In the Archaic period coins were fairly crude by later standards. They were mostly small bean-shaped lumps of gold or silver, stamped with a geometric design or symbol to indicate its city of origin. As coining techniques improved, coins became more standardised as flat disks, and the convention of putting a representation of the patron god or goddess of the issuing city became established. Animal symbols such as the owl of Athens also became popular. The Greek world was divided into at least a thousand self-governing cities and towns (in Greek, poleis), and most of these issued their own coins. To facilitate inter-city trade, however, the coins came increasingly to be of a standard value, although marked with the symbols of the issuing city (rather like today's Euro coins, which are recognisably from a particular country, but usable all over the Euro zone). The drachm (from the Greek word for "a handful") became the most popular unit of exchange. In about 510 BC Athens began producing a fine silver tetradrachm (four drachm) coin, which was used all over the Greek world and reflected the increasing dominance of Athens.

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February 21, 2021, 11:48 am