Ray Sprigle

Ray Sprigle (August 14, 1886 in Akron, Ohio – December 22, 1957 [1]) was a journalist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1938 for his reporting that Hugo Black, newly appointed to the US Supreme Court, had been a member of the 20th-century Ku Klux Klan. His account of traveling in 1948 for 30 days and 4, 000 miles in the Deep South while passing for black was first serialized by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, with each article featured on the front page. He later adapted the series as a book, In the Land of Jim Crow, published in 1949. Early life and education [ edit] Sprigle was born in Akron, Ohio, to parents of colonial German ( Pennsylvania Dutch) ancestry. He attended local schools. He graduated from Ohio State University and started working in journalism. Career [ edit] He had a long and notable career in journalism, mostly as a reporter with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. In 1938 Sprigle was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Reporting for a series of articles in the Post-Gazette [2] proving that Hugo Black, newly appointed as a justice to the United States Supreme Court by President Franklin Roosevelt, had been a member of the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama.

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Try writing a poem that offers your own view of the artistic process. Pick a piece of art—a painting, a sculpture, a song—and imagine the artist's act of creation. How does your artist feel about his or her creation? Like Shelley, try to describe a piece of art while at the same time capturing the feelings and emotions of the artist. 3. Continue the story of Shelley's "traveller. " What other sights might he or she have seen in the "antique land"? Discussion Questions 1. Although "Ozymandias" begins with an "I, " it is actually an account from another speaker entirely. What effect does a framing device like this have on your reading of the poem? Why might Shelley have used reported speech to describe the monument instead of relying on the his own direct address to the reader? 2. What is the relationship between Ozymandias and the sculptor who immortalizes him? What specific words does Shelley use to portray their bond? Based on "Ozymandias, " what do you think Shelley thought about the relationship between artist and patron?

Nùmeros. Unidad 1. Curso: 1º medio. Contenido: Distinción entre números racionales e irracionales. Aproximación y estimación de números irracionales. Estimaciones de cálculos, redondeos. Construcción de decimales no periódicos. Distinción entre una aproximación y un número exacto. Aprendizajes esperados:Diferencian entre números enteros, racionales e irracionales; los caracterizan, los expresan en notación decimal y señalan su ubicación relativa en una recta numérica. Recurso Intel. Unidad 2. Unidad 2 Geometría: Prismas, pirámides y triángulos. Contenido: Construcción de alturas y bisectrices en diversos tipos de triángulos. Nivel académico: 7º Básico. Aprendizajes esperados: Reconocen diversos elementos de los triángulos, los relacionan con las características de éstos y los utilizan adecuadamente para clasificarlos y para la reproducción y/o creación de triángulos. Objetivos Fundamentales: Se estudiara en mayor profundidad, ubicando algunos de sus elementos (altura, bisectrices) mostrara la construcción de estos dos elementos específicamente.

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[3] The evidence that Sprigle uncovered included, among other things, a photostatic copy of a letter from Black written on the stationery of the Alabama Klan asking to resign from the organization. [4] In May 1948, Sprigle at age 61, and using the name "James Crawford", began a thirty-day, four-thousand-mile trip through the Deep South; he was passing as black. He was supported in this investigation by the NAACP and accompanied by John Wesley Dobbs, a 66-year-old civil rights activist from Atlanta. Dobbs took him into many black communities, where he met people he otherwise would never have been able to talk to. Sprigle wrote a series of articles based on the journey that were serialized and featured on the front page of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette under the title I Was a Negro in the South for 30 Days. According to the paper's publisher, the Post-Gazette had never run a series that received more attention. [5] The series was syndicated and carried by about 15 other newspapers, including the New York Herald Tribune, Philadelphia Inquirer and the Pittsburgh Courier, an African American-owned newspaper popular in the South.

Me explico. Mackenzie está pasando una situación muy difícil en casa, esa situación gira en torno a su madre, aunque nuestra protagonista y su padre han intentado con creces hacer que cambie, ella no hace nada para conseguirlo. Digamos que ella también tiene dolor escondido que reprime con alcohol, algo que a Mackenzie no le gusta que haga, por eso en cuanto puede va deshaciéndose del alcohol de la cas a 🍷 🍷, shhh, pero no digáis nada. Puff, de los amigos quiero destacar una cosa de Holden, mientras leía el libro mi faceta de detective me decía una cosa que bueno podía ser normal después de todo pero... al final mi olfato me ha engañado y la autora ha conseguido meter lo que yo considero un plot-twist. Esto me ha dado una gran lección: "Alicia deja de adelantarte y cíñete a leer, 😂". Sobre los protagonistas; Mac ken zie, con la situación que tiene en casa tampoco lo está pasando nada bien, pero al igual que Danielle, es muy fuerte y sobre todo decidida.. Ja de n, este chico es puro 💖, es muy dulce y valoro muchísimo que haya conseguido superarlo todo y seguir con su vida, es el ángel que cuida a Mackenzie y a Danielle.

Beküldő Dalszöveg Falu végén de nagy csoda, mostanában Van egy csuda slágerdal, heje-huja-haj, A kisbíró kidobolta, hogy mindenki ezt dalolja: Egy-kettő, kukoricacső, Bőg a tehén, mert nincs kalap a fején, És napszúrást kap szegény, ha meleg az idő! Rí' a csibe, mert nem megy a fejibe' Hogy a tojásból ide hogy kerülhetett ő! Káka tövén ha felhangzik a melódia sír a ruca, Mert van neki egy barom fia, És napszúrást kap szegény, ha meleg az idő!

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[6] Sprigle later adapted the articles as the basis for his 1949 book In the Land of Jim Crow. Sprigle reported on a range of social, political and economic issues in the South, including segregated schools and other conditions. His work preceded by more than a decade John Howard Griffin 's similar investigation, reported in Griffin's book Black Like Me. [6] Works [ edit] Ray Sprigle (1949). In the Land of Jim Crow. New York: Simon & Schuster. References [ edit] ^ Elizabeth A. Brennan and Elizabeth C. Clarage (1999). Who's Who of Pulitzer Prize Winners. Oryx Press. p. 560. ISBN 1-57356-111-8. Retrieved November 16, 2011. ^ "The Pulitzer Prizes 1938 Winners".. Retrieved August 28, 2011. ^ Roberts, Gene and Hank Klibanoff (2006). The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle, and the Awakening of a Nation. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. ISBN 0-679-40381-7. ^ "Life on the American Newsfront: Great Press Scoop puts New Deal on Spot". Life Magazine. September 27, 1937. Retrieved November 16, 2011.

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