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Submit Tips Have first aid kits on hand in case of injury. Have extra people on hand to supervise or spot for problems with the rope snapping or looping around players in hazardous ways. Have someone both sets of players agree on to judge a winner. Make the mid-point marker something clearly visible on the floor or ground. Have two or three spare ropes on hand in case one breaks. Thanks for submitting a tip for review! Warnings Don't use overly flexible ropes like bungee cords. Seek emergency medical attention immediately in the case of rope burn or any other significant injury during a game. Do not use a rope that is damaged, bent, knotted, or otherwise compromised. About This Article Article Summary X To play tug of war, start by laying out a long rope with a flag or marker at the center of it. Then, you should split into 2 teams with at least 1 player on each team. You should also ask someone to stand to the side to judge who the winner is. Once you are ready to play, each person or team should stand across from each other and grip the rope.

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