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Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is one of the most common infectious diseases in cats, affecting between 2 and 3% of all cats in the United States. Infection rates are significantly higher (up to 30%) in cats that are ill or otherwise at high risk (see below). Fortunately, the prevalence of FeLV in cats has decreased significantly in the past 25 years since the development of an effective vaccine and accurate testing procedures. Cats persistently infected with FeLV serve as sources of infection for other cats. The virus is shed in saliva, nasal secretions, urine, feces, and milk of infected cats. Cat-to-cat transfer of the virus may occur from a bite wound, during mutual grooming, and (rarely) through the shared use of litter boxes and feeding dishes. Transmission can also take place from an infected mother cat to her kittens, either before they are born or while they are nursing. FeLV does not survive long outside a cat's body – probably less than a few hours under normal household conditions.

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Hoy en día, la mujer que se convirtió en el primer gran amor de Bisbal ya no recorre las fiestas populares con su banda musical. A sus 41 años, Raquel apenas puede ser reconocida fuera de su círculo dado su gran cambio de imagen. Ahor a trabaja como auxiliar sanitaria en una clínica dental próxima al Centro Comercial Mediterráneo, a la que cada mañana acude caminando desde su piso en el barrio Los Molinos de Almería, pegado a la zona de El Puche. Allí vive con sus dos hijos y su novio, Juanma Gómez, quien presenta ciertas similitudes con David. Además de ser más joven que ella -tiene 36- y ganarse la vida como cantante, él también se enamoró de Raquel entre concierto y concierto: Juanma se incorporó a la Orquesta Expresiones a principios de 2003, al año de dejar Bisbal a la malagueña, aunque ésta abandonara la formación poco después, en verano. LOC se ha puesto en contacto con Raquel para conocer sus impresiones sobre las memorias de Chenoa, pero la ex del triunfito ha preferido mantener su silencio. "

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Avery Sings "This Is What I Need to Say" to His Unborn Baby Luke & Sadie Duet: "Can't Help My Heart" Rayna Won't Let Deacon Give Up "How to Learn to Live Alone" Live Performance "If Your Heart Can Handle It" Live Performance Journey of a Nashville Song Gunnar Sees Scarlett Kissing Dr. Rand Nashville Music: "If I'm Still Dreaming" Nashville Music: "The Rivers Between Us" Vince Gill Intros Rayna at the Grand Ole Opry Juliette Poses for Vogue! Rayna Wants Layla at Highway 65 Will Goes to Deacon for Advice Sadie Confides in Avery & Confronts Her Ex Gunnar's Heart-to-Heart With Micah Juliette Struggles in the Recording Studio Nashville Music: Roots and Wings Rayna Tries to Talk to Luke Juliette and Avery Reconcile Rayna Needs Deacon to Move On Nashville Music: "Baby It's Cold Outside" Boy or Girl for Avery & Juliette? Rayna's On Dancing With the Stars! Layla Blames Will for Everything Nashville Music: "Put My Heart Down" Sara Evans Performs with Luke! About this Show Nashville A legendary queen of country music struggles to maintain her place in the spotlight while dealing with an ambitious rising pop-country vixen who wants to knock her off the throne.

Having studied both Old and Modern Irish (the later with the amazing Micheal O'Siadhail, poet and scholar) and visited the Gaeltacht of Connemara, I am very interested in the fate of the language, and was glad to see a brief but authoritative report in Language Log by Jim McCloskey of UC Santa Cruz, "one of the foremost experts in the world on the modern Irish language, " courtesy of Geoff Pullum: I think that talk of a 'rebound' for the language is misplaced, but I do not equate that position with pessimism. The situation is a complex and fluid one, but largely it seems to me that things are on the same trajectory that they have been on for several decades (with a couple of interesting changes). By which I mean that the traditional Irish-using communities (the Gaeltachtai/) continue to shrink and the language continues to retreat in those communities. Nobody that I know who is involved in those communities is optimistic about their future as Irish-speaking communities (though lots of other good things are happening to them and in them).

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February 13, 2021, 4:20 am