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TABLA 3. 14: FACTOR DE �REA POR BAJANTE Para calcular el n�mero de bajantes, solo ser� necesario determinar el �rea del techo del cual se quieren evacuar las aguas de lluvia y dividirla entre el factor de �rea de la tabla 3. 14, seg�n la secci�n escogida. As� se obtiene el n�mero de bajantes por instalar. En la tabla 3. 15, se aprecia el n�mero de bajantes requeridos, dependiendo del �rea de techo y del tipo de bajante. 45 Fuente: C�digo de instalaciones mec�nicas CFIA (Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Costa Rica) Fuente: C�digo de instalaciones mec�nicas CFIA (Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Costa Rica) 3. 46 TABLA 3. 15: N�MERO DE BAJANTES REQUERIDOS Canoas (canales) El sistema pluvial AMANCO cuenta con la canoa colonial, la canoa lisa de alto caudal y la canoa espa�ola. Al igual que en el caso de las tuber�as de desag�e pluvial, las canoas se calculan con la f�rmula de Manning (ecuaci�n 3. 8), trabajando a 3/4 partes de su altura bajo el caudal de dise�o.

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Additionally, kinesiotherapy is generally more effective when used with electrical stimulation. Mental imagery Your imagination can actually train your brain to succeed. For example, you can imagine yourself winning a race or rocking a presentation to improve your performance. You can do the same to treat hemiparesis. By visualizing yourself using your weaker side, you send nerve messages to your brain that your weaker side is strong again. A review of studies on mental imagery for hemiparesis found the treatment to be effective for regaining strength in the arms when combined with conventional therapy. Researchers noted that mental imagery may be less effective for regaining strength and mobility related to gait, however. More studies are needed, but visualization is a relatively safe treatment that may help when used with more conventional treatments. Assistive devices Your doctor may recommend using an assistive device like a cane or walker to help you stay active with hemiparesis. You can also make your home easier to navigate with some small adjustments.

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