Unisc 2015 No Albinismo

Se suelen utilizar varios tipos de árbol; pueden ser de pino, encina, zumaques, o como en la actualidad, el más usado, del árbol mimosa. La misión principal del curtido es conseguir que la piel se convierta en inorgánica para que de esta manera no se pudra, y el curtido también le da cuerpo a la piel. La deja con el poro muy esponjoso. Después el untado del buen aceite de oliva español o también con aceites de pescado, sobre la parte interior de la piel, produce el efecto de flexibilidad y protección de la misma necesario para poder confeccionarla y darle durabilidad en su tiempo de uso. Las pieles cerradas que se destinaban al transporte del aceite no se curtían. Se realizaba la limpieza e higiene de las mismas conservando su impermeable natural. Aquí era el mismo aceite el que realizaba la función de conservante al filtrarse lentamente a lo largo de los años. Cuando el odre o pellejo se había calado ya no podía utilizarse más para el transporte de aceite. Entonces el botero le extraía el aceite a base de gredas "arcillas gredosas", y después lo curtía con taninos vegetales destinando dicho odre principalmente para el uso del vino.

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Cool down: dF = dT FLAE = a TL F(p)(24) (1)(0. 25)(29)(106)= 6. 60(10- 6)(128. 16 - 65)(p)(24) F = 3022. 21 lb s1 =FA; s1 =3022. 21 (1)(0. 25)= 12 088 psi = 12. 1 ksi Ans. s1 =pr t; 12 088 = p(12) (0. 25) P = 252 psi Ans. 813. An A-36-steel hoop has an inner diameter of 23. 99 in., thickness of 0. 25 in., and width of 1 in. If it and the 24-in. -diameter rigid cylinder have a temperature of 65 F, determine the temperature to which the hoop should be heated in order for it to just slip over the cylinder. What is the pressure the hoop exerts on the cylinder, and the tensile stress in the ring when it cools back down to 65 F? 24 in. Ans:T1 = 128F, s1 = 12. 1 ksi, p = 252 psi 744. SolutionEquilibrium for the Ring: From the FBD +S Fx = 0; 2P - 2pri w = 0 P = pri w Hoop Stress and Strain for the Ring: s1 =PA =pri w (ro - ri)w= priro - ri Using Hookes Law P1 =s1 E= priE(ro - ri) (1) However, P1 =2p(ri)1 - 2pri 2pri= (ri)1 - riri =driri. Then, from Eq. (1) driri =pri E(ro - ri) dri =pr i 2 E(ro - ri) Ans.

Unisc 2015 no albinismo em

Pull out the charm People will be drawn to your pitch if you are smiling and welcoming. Show an interest in the customer as it has a big impact on sales. But try not to be overbearing as that will just turn people off. Price everything There is perhaps a divide on this subject when it comes to car boot and jumble sales. I am of the opinion that everything should have prices; not everyone passing through will be out to haggle with you. Some people would just like to know how much you want for something. Also if you're doing the sale with a friend they will be better placed to know how much you want to sell it for, as you may be busy with another buyer or on a loo break. Price realistically... Most people suggest a price between 10-15% of the original value is a good guideline. I find it's easier to look at something and just imagine what you would be prepared to pay for it now. It's usually a good indicator. If something is worth a lot of money don't undervalue it. If it doesn't sell you can always use eBay!

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